Prepositions – Elöljárók gyakorlása

Choose the correct option - at/in/on or nothing.

Will you be at home ____ this evening?

We're going on a holiday ____ September.

I'm leaving ____ Friday.

Where were you ____ 28 February?

Let's play tennis ____ Sunday.

I always visit my parents ____ Christmas.

I always feel tired ____ the evening.

I don't often go out ____ night.

What are you doing ____ the weekend?

I'm going out. I'll be back ____ 5 o'clock.

I like getting up early ____ the morning.

I'm leaving ____ next Friday.

Gina was born ____ 1995.

I phone Robert ____ every Sunday.

I went to France ____ last summer.

'Fel a tetejéhez' gomb