Olvasáskészség – Reading

Easter easy reading – Húsvét olvasmány

Easter easy reading – Húsvét olvasmány

Easter Holiday Easter is a Christian festival and holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ on the third day after…
Easter gap filling – Húsvéti angol gyakorlás

Easter gap filling – Húsvéti angol gyakorlás

Read the following text about Easter customs. FilI in the gaps with the correct words. Do you remember the date…
Túl sok kávét iszol? – ebből a tesztből kiderül…

Túl sok kávét iszol? – ebből a tesztből kiderül…

20 Ways to know if you drink too much coffee… You answer the door before people knock.You ski uphill.You get…
Olvasmány a Valentin napról – könnyű

Olvasmány a Valentin napról – könnyű

Valentine’s Day 14 February is St. Valentine’s Day. This started more than two thousand years ago, as a winter festival,…
The History of Valentine’s Day – A Valentin nap eredete

The History of Valentine’s Day – A Valentin nap eredete

Listen to the recording and answer the questions. 1. When was St. Valentine’s Day first celebrated?                                                                           2. In ancient Rome,…
Christmas in England – Karácsonyi hagyományok Angliában

Christmas in England – Karácsonyi hagyományok Angliában

Christmas decorations have very early origins. Holly, ivy and mistletoe are associated with rituals going back to the Dark Ages.…
Thanksgiving story – easy reading

Thanksgiving story – easy reading

Read the story about Thanksgiving   Long ago, people called Pilgrims, left their houses in England and crossed the ocean…
Human Development Report – Reading

Human Development Report – Reading

Human Development The latest Human Development Report from the United Nations contains some good news but also a very serious…
Cultural differencies – Kulturális különbségek a világ minden tájáról

Cultural differencies – Kulturális különbségek a világ minden tájáról

CULTURAL DIFFERENCES AROUND THE WORLD   Touching Someone It can be offensive in Korea, Thailand, China and in the Middle…
Cloning Animals – Sentence matching reading

Cloning Animals – Sentence matching reading

Five senteces have been removed from the text. Put them back. There’s an extra one you do not need to…
'Fel a tetejéhez' gomb