Facebook fun – igeidők gyakorlása (múlt)

Tedd az igéket a megfelelő igeidőbe.
My co-worker said that the only way that he …………….. (can communicate) with his teenage kids is by using Facebook. When asked how it ……………. (work out), he said that it …………….. (be) like talking to a wall.
Pope Benedict XVI ………………… (give) a qualified blessing to Facebook and other social network websites. Well, that explains why for penance* the priest who …………..(hear) my latest confession ………….. (tell) me to say five Hail Marys, 10 Our Fathers and update my status 15 times.
*penance – vezeklés
On Wednesday, Facebook ………………(announce) that it would create alert pages to help search for missing children. Which is not nearly as effective as parents logging off Facebook and watching their kids.
North Korea reportedly …………….. (make) an account on Facebook. According to information on their profile page, the country last Friday ………………(have) about 50 friends. The number …………… (be) higher, but many people de-friended North Korea because they …………….(threaten) people to drop atomic bomb on their farms on Farmville.