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Prepositions – Elöljárószavak

Prepositions of time – at/on/in and no preposition

Which do we use and when? Look at the examples of the different prepositions in different time expressions.

At + clock time/meal time
at three o’clock
at lunch (-time)
at the moment
At + two or three days
at Easter/Christmas
at the weekend (US: on the weekend)

On + day/date
on Wednesday(s)
on (the) 15(th) (of) April/on April (the) 15(th)
on that day
On + a single day
on Easter Monday
on Christmas Day
On + day + part of day
on Friday morning
on Monday night.

In + year/month/season
in 1988
in September
in winter
in the 21st century
In + a week or more
in the Easter holiday
in the summer
In + part of day
in the morning
in the evening
in the afternoon
BUT at night!

We don’t use a preposition before:
this (this morning, this week, these days)
last (last August, last week, last time)
next (next Monday, next week, next year)
every (every afternoon, every Sunday, every month)

Choose the correct option - at/in/on or nothing.

What are you doing ____ the weekend?

Gina was born ____ 1995.

I went to France ____ last summer.

I'm going out. I'll be back ____ 5 o'clock.

I like getting up early ____ the morning.

I'm leaving ____ next Friday.

I always visit my parents ____ Christmas.

I'm leaving ____ Friday.

Let's play tennis ____ Sunday.

I always feel tired ____ the evening.

We're going on a holiday ____ September.

Where were you ____ 28 February?

Will you be at home ____ this evening?

I don't often go out ____ night.

I phone Robert ____ every Sunday.

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