Könnyű gyakorló feladat, nézd meg, te rájössz- e a leírásból, mi volt a találmány?
What is it? – Find out and use the passive forms.
Between 2000 and 1800 BC a method of sticking needles into people to make them feel better …………….. (invent) by the Chinese.
They …………….. (invent) in 1280 by a Florentine physicist by sticking two bits of curved glass on either side of his nose.
In 4000-3000 BC a new drink …………………. (discover) when the juice from grapes …………….. (leave) to ferment in Turkestan.
This drink ………….. first ………… (make) by a monk for his abbey in Scotland in 1494.
In 4000-3000 BC a new aromatic drink ……………….. (discover) when some leaves fell off a branch and landed in Emperor Shang Yeng’s afternoon cup of hot water.
Most people think these sweet rolls …………….. (invent) by the French – in fact, they ………….. first ………… (make) in Vienna by a Polish baker.
They ………….. first ………… (make) by the Egyptians, but no difference …………… (make) between the right and the left foot.
This card game …………… first ……………. (develop) in Persia but …………… later ………………… (make) popular by American gangsters.
The first one …………………. (write) in Akkadian, the language of the Assyrians and Babylonians – the first bilingual one ………………….. (publish) in 1480.
This drink ………………. (discover) by a Yemeni shepherd whose sheep wouldn’t sleep after eating the red fruit of a plant.
The first pair ………………… (wear) in 1760 by an eccentric Belgian who put them on and rolled into a party in Soho, London.
This game ……………….. (invent) by a Frenchman called Dumas in 1762 – he cut up maps into little pieces and the idea was to put them back together again.
This water sport ………………….. (describe) by Captain Cook in his report from Hawaii nearly two hundred years before it became popular in California.
They …………………… (invent) by Chinese women in order to light fires to cook and keep warm.