
Múlt vagy jelen?

Teszteld a jelen és múltidőkkel kapcsolatos tudásod

Válaszd ki a mondatba illő, megfelelő idejű igéket!

A feladatot többször is megcsinálhatod, a kérdések változnak.

How fast ___________ when the police caught you?

How often ___________ swimming a week?

My grandparents often ____________ out despite their age.

I don't know his wife. We ____________ .

Ed ____________ in the bank when it was robbed.

Sarah is unemployed. She ____________ up her job.

You can't talk to Sally now. She ____________ a shower.

Hey, I haven't finished talking to you! Where ___________?

Liz and Sam ___________ to the cinema last weekend.

My father ____________ up in France.

Kapcsolódó leckék

'Fel a tetejéhez' gomb