Feltételes mód - ConditionalsGyakorlás
Impossible? Yes. Feltételes mód gyakorlás.
Gyakorló feladat a 3. típusú (lehetetlen) feltételes mondatokhoz.

What if??? Make sentences using the conditionals.
You left school when you were 16. You can’t find a good job.
You ate too much last night. You had a terrible nightmare.
You didn’t go to university. You haven’t got a diploma.
You only had a sandwich at lunch time. You are hungry now.
You didn’t win the lottery. You need to worry about your future.
You didn’t bring a map. You are lost.
There was a power cut. You didn’t save your documents. You lost them.
You got married very young. You got divorced after 1 year.
You overslept. You were late for work and got fired.