Causative - MűveltetésQuiz

Causative – have something done quiz

Alkoss mondatokat a megadott szavakkal és a "have something done" (megcsináltatni valamit) műveltető szerkezettel.

Figyelj a helyes igeidőre is!

the house / paint

We a few weeks ago.

her car / service

Sarah once a year.

your eyes / test

Have you recently?

my suit / clean

It cost ten pounds to .

this document / translate

I need to as soon as possible.

the roof / repair

Sarah by Jack last weekend.

my hair / cut

I can't answer the phone now, I'm .

the carpet / clean

Bill will next week, I think.

some flowers / deliver

Sam for his wife every Monday.

my shoes / repair

I'll be there in 10 mintues. I'm now.

Kapcsolódó leckék

'Fel a tetejéhez' gomb