Olvasáskészség - ReadingQuiz

Julio’s Words

Antonio is a Spanish man living on the wonderful island of Mallorca. As a child he was keen on English, he loved the sounds of the language. Later, when he knew English better he always helped his classmates do the English homework. He decided to open a language school later.

Unfortunately, when he finished secondary school, didn’t have enough money to pay the tuition fee so he couldn’t get into university. That’s why he travelled to London and took up a job there. At first, he worked as a bartender. He liked this job but he didn’t earn much. He tried to save his money but two months later his father became seriously ill and Antonio had to send his mother money because his father’s treatment became more and more expensive.

Then he got to know Julio who showed him how to make a lot of money very quickly.

Julio was a Spanish pickpocket working in London stealing wallets, jewellery and cameras from tourists. Antonio became his partner and they began working together.

Everything went well for a couple of months. However, one day they had a terrible experience. The disco where they worked suddenly caught fire in the middle of the night. A lot of people died in the fire and Antonio could hardly get out. He tried to look for Julio but he couldn’t find him anywhere. Julio disappeared that night.

Two weeks later he returned to Mallorca and he met a very strange old man who told him: ‘Take this wallet young man and open a language school. Give it a name after your disappeared friend: ‘Julio’s Words’ and he walked away quickly. Antonio looked into the wallet and found an enormous amount of money in it. Somehow he felt the old man was Julio in disguise. But he never saw him again. A year later Antonio had a successful language school.

Choose the correct meaning for the words and expressions.

Válaszd ki a szavak és kifejezések helyes jelentését.

to be keen on something

tuition fee




to catch fire

to disappear

to return


to be in disguise

Answer the questions with ONE word or expression.

Válaszolj a kérdésekre EGY szóval vagy kifejezéssel.

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