
Múlt vagy jelen?

Teszteld a jelen és múltidőkkel kapcsolatos tudásod

Válaszd ki a mondatba illő, megfelelő idejű igéket!

A feladatot többször is megcsinálhatod, a kérdések változnak.

How was your holiday? Great! We ___________ a lot of beautiful places.

I ___________ to school when I saw the accident.

Who ____________ paper and when?

The weather ____________ cold recently.

Ella ____________ shopping. She'll be back soon.

I can't see the children anywhere. Where ___________?

She is good at languages. She ___________ four languages very well.

My grandparents often ____________ out despite their age.

I don't know his wife. We ____________ .

Is Peter here? No, he ___________ back yet.

Kapcsolódó leckék

'Fel a tetejéhez' gomb