Névmások gyakorlása

Válaszd ki a mondatba illő névmást!

Where are my keys? I can't find __________.

These are _________ brothers, Jim and Sam.

Mary loves music. __________ plays the guitar.

That is not Joe's watch but I think this is _________ .

What are these? __________ are my cards.

I never go to parties. I don't like __________ .

The boss wants to see __________.

She has a cat but this one isn't _________ .

I can't find my pen. Can I use _________ ?

This is not your luggage. It's _________ .

Where is _________ bike?

Aunt Jane always writes to __________ at Christmas.

This is my new car. __________ is a Ford.

Pam and Sue are with _________ friends on holiday.

Don't take that bag! It's not _________ .

Are __________ from the US or from the UK?

Where is Sally? I'd like to talk to __________.

This is my dog and this is _________ toy.

Oxford is famous for __________ university.

Nice camera. Is it _________ ?

'Fel a tetejéhez' gomb